1999 saturn sl2 what kind of oil

What kind of oil does a Saturn take? How much oil does a Saturn sl1 take? How much oil does a Saturn SL1 take? What kind of oil does a Saturn sl2 take? What kind of oil does a Saturn SL1 take? What kind of oil does a Saturn sc2 take? Is Saturn a good car to buy?

Who makes Saturn cars now? Is it hard to find parts for a Saturn? Is Saturn cars coming back? Originally Posted by Iapetus. Find More Posts by eRic 02sc2. All times are GMT The time now is PM. Contact Us - SaturnFans.

User Name. Remember Me? Mark Forums Read. Thread Tools. Find More Posts by Mattaeus. Re: oil type '99 sl2 Quote: Originally Posted by Mattaeus Which type of oil do you guys recommend for a '99 sl2?

Find More Posts by S3aturnR. Re: oil type '99 sl2 If it's not burning any oil, I'd use 5W any 'name brand' rated SL or SM is fine in the winter months and maybe 10W in the summer, but 5W is fine. Re: oil type '99 sl2 You need to mention your location and driving habits to really answer that question. Find More Posts by westwind Re: oil type '99 sl2 Rotella ftw Saturns are slow. Find More Posts by deadmeat Re: oil type '99 sl2 Valvoline Max-Life 10w is what I use.

Turn the ignition to position On without starting the engine. Developed for high-capacity engines, including turbos. How do you change the oil on a Saturn sl2? Category: automotive motorcycles. Start the engine for 10 to 15 seconds, turn it off, wait 2 minutes, and then check the oil level on the dipstick.

Add more oil if necessary. Remove the drain pan and old filter from under the SL2. What kind of oil does a Saturn sc2 take?

GuruW8 answered 4 years ago. James answered 3 years ago. I have a Saturn SL Sedan with , miles. I am having a major problem with the car cutting off while I am driving at a fairly constant speed or when I am idling at a stop light. The engine w No owner's manual was in the car, nor one provided by dealership when car was purchased.

Is there a problem that occurs with the engine at about , miles or more? What are some common problems that occur with this car?

I'm lookin into buting one with , miles on it and it woul


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