This work entails leading and supporting disaster preparedness, grants management, mitigation, response, and recovery efforts in partnership with California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and Tribal Nations. The Region and its partners prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and recover from a wide range of threats and hazards, including hurricanes and typhoons, wildfires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flooding, and acts of terrorism, among other natural and man-made disasters.
This includes supporting efforts to identify and evaluate threats and hazards, estimate capability requirements and current capabilities, develop and review mitigation and response plans, and administer billions of dollars in grants annually. The Region also has an innovation-oriented culture and history, and frequently drives changes in emergency management that are implemented nationwide.
How might we apply expertise in data management and analytics to help the nation pioneer the future of emergency management, save lives and livelihoods during disasters, and build more resilient communities? While there is a broad array of data that exists in different FEMA systems, and the COVID response revealed that partners are willing to share data, FEMA faces challenges in syncing data across different programs and systems and proactively identifying and building the most efficient ways for collecting and utilizing data from various sources internal and external to the Agency.
Despite being best positioned to act on the significant amount of data FEMA has access to, Regions lack the capability to properly process it. Recent experiences with COVID highlight the need to develop a strategic approach for data management and analysis in advance of disasters, especially at the Regional level. The Presidential Innovation Fellow will work closely with Regional leadership to establish the new branch and will help the Region adopt best practices for data management and analytics.
The Fellow will help establish a centralized and well-organized strategic approach for data management and analytics, and will help lead the development of a qualified, dedicated team to support those efforts. This will also help the Region take a more data-driven approach to measure success across different levels of the organization, as well as reduce complexity by better linking internal strategic and operating plans, budgets, staffing, and readiness and performance metrics.
While the Region is familiar with some methods and best practices, the fellow will be fully empowered to bring innovative ideas and solutions to the table. The Region has resources available in terms of hardware, software, licenses, contract support, and personnel that may be required, and the fellow will directly brief the Regional Administrator on recommendations.
Once approved, the Regional Administrator will resource and support the strategy for execution. Property loss - FEMA provides disaster housing assistance, individual and family grants and other aid programs. Grants for real and personal property loss for those not financially eligible for a loan. Will reimburse other expenses as well: medical, dental, psychological, moving storage, funeral. Administered by the State if California.
Application period for these benefits is usually of short duration days from the date of public announcement of the availability of the DUA. These benefits are administered by the Department of Labor. Inquire at Employment Development Department.
The question is whether the wiki or the manual contains the most up to date information. It will then be up to future wiki users to determine whether and how to update the agency page with the new information. Assistance is administered by different agencies.
Property loss—FEMA provides disaster housing assistance, individual and family grants and other aid programs. Provides grants for real and personal property loss for those not financially eligible for a loan. Reimbursement is available for other expenses as well, such as, medical, dental, psychological, moving storage, and funeral. Administered by the state of California. The application period for these benefits is usually 30 days from the date of public announcement of the availability of the DUA.
Inquire at the Employment Development Department for information.