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User Info: Freezer99 Freezer99 12 years ago 1 where is ninjask. Topic to end all questions about the WI-FI missions. Floating music notes above partner pokemon? Where is the Abomasnow? Side Quest. How do I find roserade? The upper road should be blocked by Snorlax, and in front of it, Pikachu.
Enter the upcoming door and head to the left, and through a different door. Head downwards, catch a Graveler, head back up and to the left, and use Graveler on the Cavern Wall. It can also be found in the Kisara Plain. It can also be found in the Kisara Plain, after catching two Kirlia. Take the lower road, and you will find Nincada. Head to the Weepinbell section in Lyra Forest Maze, and go down. Shake the tree that you see and a Ninjask will pop out.
Can also be found at the Jungle Relic, while doing the Mew mission. Can also be found in the Kisara Plain. Shake the tree and Murkrow falls out.
In Krokka Tunnel. Anyway, its together with the Paras. Approach them from behind, as they have a common tendancy to jump into the water, out of reach. Behind the following ice slab there are thrww Crobat. Vine Whip it and follow the path. Head slightly to the left and down, smash the Rockfall and you find da Dugtrio! If they are rocks, wait for them to turn into Geodude. If you are a boy, it will be there after completing the main storyline.
If you are a girl, it will be there after completing the main storyline. Vine Whip it, burn down the Scrap Metal, and go down to one of the water-level platforms.
Feraligatr is on one of them. Smash the rock that appears, go down the small bank, and Wartortle jumps at you. There is also one in the small chamber below the stone pedestals in the Fiore Temple. Walk everywhere, and sooner or later, you will run into Kecleon. It is also found in the Kisara Plain, after one minute has gone by.
At the area where you catch Charizard for the second time, you will find some stone steps, and to the right of those, a cave with a man outside. Enter the cave, and Snorlax should have woken up. Simply walk past the Houndoom, Slugma, Magmar and the Manectric, and follow the path until you reach the Rhydon.
Fall down the hole, and just below you is a Camerupt. Avoid the Slugma and to your left is a Magmar. You will find a Slugma.
Avoid the Slugma and Magmar, and head up the next set of stairs to find two Slugma and a Magcargo. You will find two Charmander. Go through the door, but instead of going left, go up. You will find a Magneton and a vine. Climb the vine and there's Torkoal! You will land on a platform with a Growlithe. Ignore the Slugma and the Magmar.
Go through the first stairs that you see, avoid the Magcargo and through the next room is an Arcanine. Ignore the first flight of stairs, and you will run into Manectric. You will find a room with two Mankey and a Primeape.
Ignore the Slugma, but get the Houndoom. Now from what Spenser said you can only catch Deoxys when he's in his Normal Form after a few battles with him, him ending up running away from you everytime, you will find him in his Normal form. When you find him in his Normal Form you must attack quickly! I found it a bit tricky. Once in the tunnel go to the right avoiding any Pokemon, near the end you will spot Deoxys in his Attack form again, you'll walk up to him and start battle his attacks are; teleporting and running into your line, his HP is 13 so you have to be quick!
After the battle Deoxys will run away and you will recieve a text message from Spenser. In the next area you will see Deoxys in his Defense Form. The battle will start, Deoxys's defense attacks are a shadow ball, and also a shield when you try to capture him so you have to get him when he's off guard, if you spin fast enough you won't need to use Minun but if you do he at least needs a level 3 stun try getting a level 4 stun though if you can.
After this battle he will run away back up, sadly you cannot save from now on, the machine is under construction. Follow him up to the next Area, in the next area go up and into the the next area, capture the Magneton and go back out then to the left then down to the next area where Deoxys is. In the next area go a bit to the left, you'll see Deoxys in his Speed Form, the hardest of all, after a small cutsceen the battle will start. His attacks are some kind of Air bubbles that give you quite a blow tye giving it a level 1 stun his HP is only 3 so it's not to hard to capture the only hard part is getting him to stop.
After the battle he transforms into his Normal Form and runs away, this is your chance to finally capturing Deoxys!
Go all the way to the left avoiding the Pokemon, also watch out for Zubat's Soundwaves, they confuse you and mess up the controlls, go up to the next area if you want you can try to save on the machine but you'll just get another message haha. In the next area go up you'll spot Deoxys waiting for you at the top in his Normal Form.
His attacks are Teleporting he will also ransform into other forms when he hides in the purple ball so wait for him to transform back into his normal form, you'll know when that is when he starts to fly around slowly and telelport everywhere. Don't get fooled though his attack and Normal Form look the same so becareful try giving him a level stun after you stun him quikly circle him his HP is 13 again so be quick. After that he gets weaker and starts shooting big purple engery all around the field his HP is only eight 8 so it's not to hard a level 2 stun should do it.
After that a small cutsceen plays and you go back to the Base. Congrats on capturing Deoxys! Mission 2: Rescue Celebi! You start off at the Base where Spenser gives you your new mission, you are to Find and capture Celebi before the Go-Rock squad does with the help of Murph, after that leave the base.
Images on the Bulbagarden Archives. Type Bug. Abilities Speed Boost. Infiltrator Hidden Ability. Cacophony Hidden Ability. Gender ratio Unknown. Catch rate Breeding Egg Group Bug. Hatch time - steps. Height 2'07". Weight Mega Stone [[ ]]. Base experience yield Gen. Leveling rate Erratic. EV yield Total: 2. Base friendship Because of its swift flying velocity, it can become impossible to see. Generation III.
Ruby Ninjask moves around at such a high speed that it cannot be seen, even while its crying can be clearly heard. If Ninjask is not trained properly, it will refuse to obey the Trainer and cry loudly continuously. Because it darts about vigorously at high speed, it is very difficult to see. Hearing its distinctive cries for too long induces a headache. It loves to feed on tree sap.
Generation IV. Diamond Because it moves so quickly, it sometimes becomes unseeable. It congregates around tree sap. Its cry leaves a lasting headache if heard for too long. It moves so quickly that it is almost invisible.
Generation V. Black Because it moves so quickly, it sometimes becomes unseeable. Because it moves so quickly, it sometimes becomes unseeable. Generation VI. X Its cry leaves a lasting headache if heard for too long.
Ninjask moves around at such a high speed that it cannot be seen, even while its crying can be clearly heard. Generation VII. Generation VIII. Sword Its cry leaves a lasting headache if heard for too long. Ruby Sapphire Evolve Nincada. Evolve Nincada. Diamond Pearl Evolve Nincada. X Y Evolve Nincada. Max Lair Dynamax Adventure. Who's Den. Lyra Forest. Chroma Road. Rumble Blast Forest: Misty Edgewater post-ending.
Expert Stage: Stage EX Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs , IVs of 0, and if applicable a hindering nature. Maximum stats are calculated with EVs , IVs of 31, and if applicable a helpful nature. Damaged normally by: Normal. Weak to: Normal. Immune to: Normal. Resistant to: Normal.