The order goes: 1. Sargeras's second in comand, Kil'jaeden, corrupted the horde through his puppets, the orc shaman Ner'zul of the orc warlock Gul'dan. The dark portal opened, and the first war began, followed by the second war. Orcs made first contact with the forest trolls, a tie most cut off, except for the Reaventusk tribe.
Eventually, the orcs lost to the humans, and were imprisoned. However, a young warchief named Thrall lead his peaple in thier darkest hour. The story of the alliance's enemy had begun. Thrall and his warriors rescued the Darkspear Trolls from a band of rampaging murlocs.
Sen'jin, the Darkspear leader, had a prophesy of the Darkspears following the orcs. The Trolls swore allegance to the horde. Thrall journied to Kalimdor, along with the alliance seperatly, and lead to the events of the death of Cenarious and the defeat of Archimonde at mount hyjal. Jaina of Theramore, and Thrall of Orgrimmar remained in a truce.
The Horde as we now know it, was formed. Blood Elves and Forsaken are just as closely allied and make the other half of the Horde. They joined later. Thrall told Vol'jin and another Hero, Rexxar, a Mok'nathil half orc, half ogre to find allies. Vol'jin rallied the Tauren, who were already allies to his cause.
Rexxar proved his strength to the Stonemaul Ogres, who joined the Horde. The Forsaken Undead allied with the Horde out of convenience. The Blood Elves joined the Horde out of need, with the help of the Forsaken. At around the same time, Thrallmar was built.
Zul'jin, leader of the Reavantusks and an Amani warlord, was furious with the horde for allowing the Blood Elves to join the horde's ranks. He journeyed to Zul'Aman, where, with the help of Hex Lord Malcras, created four animal avitars to destroy both his new enemies the Horde, and his people's ancient enemy, the Alliance.
The Revantusk Tribe, however, remains with the horde. Around the same time, a Forsaken group of Apoctiaries also headed to Northrend to show the Lich King thier vengence: a new plague. Garrosh Hellscream rediscovered the Taunka, the ancestral cousins of the Tauren. They joined the Horde. They also discovered the Kal'uak, the tuskaar. The Kalu'ak are allies of the horde, though they are not the enemies of the alliance. Thrall steps down temporarily to investigate the Cataclysm as a shaman.
Garrosh Hellscream becomes temporary Warchief. Many of the Darkspear move out of Orgrimmar to the newly retaken Echo Isles. The goblins of the Bildgewater Cartel join the Horde after being attacked by the Alliance near the lost isles.
The orcs of the Dragonmaw clan revolt againt the fel-orc leadership and re-join Garrosh's Horde. If anything is wrong, tell me and i will correct it.
Comment by Started in Durotar All starter quests Razor hill The quest that brings u to the barrens is worth rep At the house near thunder ridge there is a female ork who gives a quest to find an amulate I then went to Zorma Stand in ashenvale and bfd For the bfd quests u got rep for each.
Any time i have a stack of rune cloth i hand it in. About to head to arathi Highlands. Hope this gives u some help on where to look for quest Btw I was over lvl 60 when i began to farm. Ok just an update Arathi has some lovely rep to be gained from chain quest.. I recommend mount as there is alot of travelling betwenn stormgarde and hammer fall.
The last part of this chain offers rep with all factions. Ill keep u posted on more. Comment by for all of you who are higher levels or simply trying to quest in places theat yield darkspear troll rep, the hinterlands is an excellent place. Comment by Actually Classic Vanilla The Frozen Throne Reforged. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Darkspear Isle. View source. History Talk 0. Not to be confused with Darkspear islands. For other uses, see Darkspear disambiguation.
This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
Subzones of Durotar. Nightborne Highmountain tauren Mag'har orc Zandalari troll Vulpera. Kodo Raptor Wyvern. The island and its settlements were thought to be destroyed and sunk as the Horde sailed away to Kalimdor. After three months in the jungle of the First Home, Sen'jin's son, Vol'jin, and Zalazane finally returned after succeeding in their trials. Once back to their village, the young trolls saw that it had been attacked.
As they walked to the settlement, they saw the troll bodies arranged on the edge of the village while the other trolls put them in positions of peace. Vol'jin and Zalazane walked towards the center of the village and on their way there they saw crews of trolls building lots of ships in a nearby lagoon.
Once they reached the village's center while watching all the misery and death, Master Gadrin approached the young trolls and explained to them what happened, yet Vol'jin somehow already knew, as if the loa spirits had shown it to him. Taking charge of the evacuation and with the help of Zalazane, Vol'jin helped his people to prepare for their final leave.
After gathering as many supplies as they could, the Darkspear struck out west after the Horde, hoping to find peace and rejoin their brethren in the distant lands of Kalimdor. The island Thrall visited was divided by some smaller islands. It also had an active volcano. There were few troll villages dotting it; a human outpost and some smaller camps; and some ogre and gnoll settlements.
The jungle of First Home grew on one of the islands and was filled with loa. The village of Vol'jin and Sen'jin was on that same island and had a lagoon nearby. The Darkspear islands not used as a proper noun were the former home of the Darkspear tribe and were located near the Maelstrom.
During Thrall 's expedition to Kalimdor , he was shipwrecked on one lone island somewhere in the South Seas that was close to the Maelstrom. It was here that he met the Darkspear trolls and saved them from zealous murlocs , thereby enlisting them as members of the Horde. The Darkspear refugees had lost their homeland — which had sunk to the bottom of the sea — and they agreed to travel to Kalimdor with Thrall.
The alliance between the Darkspear and the Horde thus began. The Spitescale naga may have previously inhabited these islands. Later the troll race page on the official website stated they were located in the South Seas. Rather than a group of islands, it also mentions one island. It also says that the Darkspears relocated on the string of islands more, rather than one west of Stranglethorn, whose coast meets the South Seas. It could be speculated that the Darkspear Islands were located somewhere on the border of the South Seas and the rest of the Great Sea.
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