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Ask Question. Asked 6 years, 4 months ago. Active 1 year, 8 months ago. Viewed 62k times. Lorenzo Donati -- Codidact. Another popular frequency for crystals was 4. Early home micro-computers often used this. That's because crystals with this frequency was used to detect the color-signals in CRT color-TVs, so they were produced in large quantities every color-TV needed one , and therefor very cheap a concern for early home-computers.
Show 2 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. WedaPashi WedaPashi 1, 14 14 silver badges 25 25 bronze badges. Many SE readers live in countries where comma is decimal separator. Show 1 more comment. See for an example of a divide-by-2 this article: electronics-tutorials.
Show 4 more comments. This answer provides more detail, here's an excerpt: There are 1. Community Bot 1. Adam Davis Adam Davis Should MIDI have gone for I don't think there was any reason to use a When MIDI was introduced, it was common for computers to use a clock derived from either a multiple of 1.
Divide the former by 2 and then 16 to get precisely. Divide the latter by 7 and then 16 to get Hz, which is about 2. The Hz rate is probably the best one if systems will need to be able to derive it from a multiple of either 1. Add a comment. L Brielmaier L Brielmaier 21 1 1 bronze badge. The Overflow Blog. Does ES6 make JavaScript frameworks obsolete?
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